News and Events
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A team of leaders from United and Our Savior’s joined others from across the synod for a training event in January around the topic of generosity. We centered with stories of those who have taught us to be generous and celebrated examples of generosity already happening in our churches, communities, synod, and ELCA. Later in the month, we had our first session to learn about narrative spending plans, telling the story of the impact we can have through our financial support of our church.
In February, the leadership team will be learning about planned giving and endowments. Those not on the leadership team are welcome to come to these zoom sessions, so let Pr. Liz know if you’d like the link! Stay tuned for some fun, interactive congregational learning events that will bring together both our congregations and people of all ages to celebrate God’s generosity and our generous responses for the sake of our neighbors! EcoFaith Summit, April 5