Volunteer - Assisting in Worship
Thank you for assisting in worship!
My hope is that the more you are involved in worship, the more you will find meaning in our gathering. It’s so important for our congregation to see a wide number of people of all ages participating in leadership. It shows that our community values all people and it inspires folks in their faith journeys. We’re trying an assigned schedule to get more folks involved and because the sign up sheets haven’t been working as intended. I recognize you were assigned without checking calendars and there will be dates that don’t work for you. If you are unable to serve on your assigned date, please try to switch with someone else, or see if you can find someone to fill in for you. (Readers, the assisting minister is also an option for reading.) Let Pastor Liz know about the switch so materials get shared with the correct person. If you are unable to find a substitute, please let Pastor Liz know. ([email protected]; 218-461-0933) What is my role? Assisting Minister -Helps lead the people in worship -Pray before church with leaders next to the nursery -process in with acolytes and pastor -speak the assisting minister parts in the binder -if no communion servers, serve the wine/juice, saying, “the blood of Christ, shed for you” and then give and receive communion with pastor at the communion table -if there are communion servers, watch to see if a new communion cup tray or other elements are needed and exchange trays with the servers -after communion, gather with the servers and share communion with them Usher -Helps welcome and orient people to worship -pass out the regular sized, large print, and children’s bulletin -help people find bathrooms and places to sit -Pray before church with leaders next to the nursery -collect offering by taking brass plates from back of the church after the pastor announces the offering. Start at the front of the church and pass the plates through the pews during the special music. -Wait to come forward until the pastor announces for people to stand and sing the offering song and music begins, then come forward and present the offering to the assisting minister. -dismiss people for communion: when pastor and communion servers are in place, start at the front of the church and dismiss pews on that same side as the servers. It’s ok to have a bit of a line to keep the flow going. When one side has been served, move to the other side. If anyone doesn’t come up, ask if they want the servers to serve them in their seats. If they do, be sure to let the pastor know. -after worship, pick up any bulletins or trash left in the pews and straighten hymnals, collect any pages of pew pads that have been written on and drop off at office. Thanks for getting us ready for the next worship service. Reader -Helps the congregation hear the word of God by clearly and expressively reading the lessons -Readings will be ready by Thursday either by email or at church for you to practice -It’s great to come early and practice with the microphone -Pray before church with leaders next to the nursery -Come to the lectern after the prayer of the day (or as directed in the bulletin) and the readings will be in the binder for you to use -speak the script as it is written on the pages you will receive. This includes how to announce and close each reading Communion Servers -Distribute the elements so that people experience the presence of Christ in bread and wine/ juice -Pray before church with leaders next to the nursery -After the Lord’s prayer and pastor’s invitation to the table, come to the communion table -Cleanse with hand sanitizer -Take the tray of cups, and the basket for empty cups if there are enough servers -stand about 3 feet to the outer side of the minister distributing bread (this give space for people to move from one element to the other), and from the wine server to the basket holder -hold the tray and say “the blood of Christ shed for you” (this allows people the freedom to choose juice or wine) -if tray is empty, look up to assisting minister to have it exchanged -hold the basket for empty cups -if someone is unable to pick up a cup, pick it up for them and hand it to them -when one side has been served, move to the other side of the church -when all are served, return with what you’ve been holding to the communion table and serve and receive communion with the pastor |
June 2- Worship at Our Savior’s -10am June 9 Assisting Minister: Chris P Reader: Linnés Usher: Kathy and Josslyn Acolytes: Communion Servers: Candy June 16 Assisting Minister: Janis A Reader: Audrey B Usher: Audrey B & Susie J Acolytes: Communion Servers: Carolyn J June 23 Assisting Minister: Dan S Reader: Claudia G Usher: Alice R & Candy S Acolytes: Communion Servers: Carolyn J June 30 Assisting Minister: Kathy B Reader: Usher: Alice H & Candy S Acolytes: Communion Servers: July 7 Assisting Minister: Dan S Assisting Minister 2: Janis A Usher: Claudia G & Audrey B Acolytes: July 14 Assisting Minister: Kathy B Reader: Linnés Usher: Acolytes: Communion Servers: Candy S July 21 Assisting Minister: A Reader: Claudia G Usher: Janis A & Acolytes: Lisa O Communion Servers: Lisa O July 28 Assisting Minister: Janis A Reader: Audrey B Usher: Alice R & Candy S Acolytes: Communion Servers: August 4 - Sampo Beach Assisting Minister: Chris P Usher: Audrey B August 11 Assisting Minister: Reader: Usher: Acolytes: Communion Servers: August 18 Assisting Minister: Reader: Usher: Acolytes: Communion Servers: August 25 Assisting Minister: Reader: Usher: Acolytes: Communion Servers: Sept 1 Assisting Minister: Reader: Usher: Acolytes: Communion Servers: |